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About Trinity Lutheran Church

“Sharing Christ’s Love and Grace with All”

At Trinity Lutheran Church, we delight in Christ-centered liturgical worship—hearing, singing, and pondering the Word of God, as well as sharing in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.


As Lutherans, we emphasize that our lives are carried and redeemed in the grace of Christ: we are “justified” or made right with God not by our own good deeds, but by trusting the promise that we belong to God and one another by the power of the crucified and risen Christ.


Remembering our baptism into Christ, we trust that God is at work in our lives. We bear witness to the hope that the Spirit nurtures in us as we are united with Christ’s grace, and discipled in seeing the world in light of the transformative vision of Jesus’ teachings about the Kingdom of God.


We enjoy fellowship together at coffee hour, choir practice, Sunday School and adult ed classes, youth groups, potlucks, a Pub Theology group, and other occasional gatherings.


We seek to serve through various ministries: helping with local food pantries and Soup & More meals, collecting change monthly for ELCA World Hunger, making Lutheran World Relief quilts and kits for infants and school children, providing Christmas gifts to those living in Mosaic homes, and offering a weekly Bible study and monthly worship with members of the Countryview Care Center.


Trinity Lutheran is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and part of the ELCA’s Central/Southern Illinois Synod. Our congregation welcomes all persons.


We welcome you to join us in worship, fellowship, and contributing to God’s mission on behalf of the world!


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123 South Campbell Street. 

Macomb, IL 61455 


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